Palavras-chave: Urbanizações de Habitação Social; Integração Territorial; Áreas Metropolitanas.Abstract
The article adopts the concept of integration that considers the dynamics of metropolization, the evolution of articulation elements and the relationship of new social housing urbanizations with the provision of urban service networks operating at multiple territorial scales. Urbanization and the level of service of these networks will establish the possibilities of integration, or rather, the degree of integration that is defined based on cartographic support and indicators that allow a new way of interpreting the levels of territorial integration. Add to the debate that dispersion and low territorial integration, in the production of social housing developments, impact the quality of life of its population. Such questions are of little relevance when they concern the production of high-standard housing or second homes that use other formats of connection and integration, including with regard to new forms of distance work and study. As a methodology, a comparative analysis of the level of integration of 12 stretches of recent urban expansion in the metropolis of Recife is adopted, comprising new social housing developments, its local urban center and the metropolitan one. It is hoped that the article will make it possible to expand the debate on the production of social housing in areas without full provision of urban services and mobility infrastructure. The concern is justified, since the levels of integration obtained from the application of the selected indicators in the 12 stretches show that 60% record low levels of territorial integration.
Keywords: Social Housing Urbanizations; Territorial Integration; Metropolitan Areas.
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