Right to the city, Housing Policies, Lusophones Countries, Democracy, Active CitizenshipAbstract
With the rise of neoliberalism, the fragility of democracy and the escalation of social inequalities, peripheral cities, located mainly in the Global South, reflect the urgency for immediate and assertive architectural and urban planning interventions. Chronic oppressive underdevelopment, made possible by hygienist and ethnic-racial segregationist policies, programs, plans and projects, contribute to the formation of a complex social reality. The growth of unstructured urban conglomerates, the increase in extreme poverty and hunger, the alarming housing deficit, the precarious quality of life and environmental disasters are some of the challenges facing contemporary cities. The territorial disputes at issue here are the result of an increasingly unequal society. Given this scenario, this article aims to analyze international responses to the processes of marginalization and socio-spatial exclusion, arising from the circulation of ideas between Lusophones countries (Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde and Mozambique). To this end, integrative bibliographic review methodologies and descriptive case studies are applied. Furthermore, Milton Santos is used as the author of the method and, based on his theoretical reflections, consolidated concepts are applied to architecture and urbanism as a strategy for understanding disparate and similar territories at the same time. And finally, social housing is used as a framework within the various public policies implemented at local, state, federal and international levels. Previous conclusions indicate that democracy and active citizenship are key elements for building fairer cities in contemporary times.
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